These spots are deposits of Cholesterol which are soft and painless. They do not interfere with eyesight /vision. People generally go to dermatologists or skin specialists and get these treated.
In this Danish study started in 1970’s 12745 people were in the control group Out of this 4.4% were having xanthelasmata.Over 33 years 1872 had heart attack ,3699 developed heart disease and 8507 had died. The study shows that those with markings were 48% more likely to have heart attack,39% more likely to have heart disease and 14% more likely to die. The heart disease link is more acute for men in 70 to 79 years age group.
May be insurance companies issuing health insurance policies/life insurance policies will start compiling data on xanthelasmata,come out with corrective steps (medical advice or loading of premium ) and save on costs associated with claims.